(Dedicated to Future Lovers)
Please, please don't fall for this. I am poison ivy. I am bound to fuck up your life, fuck up your dreams, fuck up your heart. I have been played so many times that I now know the game. As a matter of fact, I play it on repeat. Ummm my dream one day was to be happy, get married and have some kids but times have changed.
I am bound to fuck up your life. I am poison ivy that rose from the concrete that rise above the grass and builds itself upon that big beautiful oak tree. The once wise oak that use to stretch it's limbs from branch to branch to branch. My poison ivy will crawl up that oak tree suck up it's nutrients and watch it rot. As I stribble back down that once wise oak tree and move to the next. I am bound to fuck up your life.
So please, please don't fall for this. I was once this queen of excellence. This queen from which this king was happy and pleased to be put on the throne. But now that I have stepped down that once high seat I will hold my own gown. I will trail my own path. I will continue to be free! I was once happy. I was once sad but right now I really don't give a damn. Don't fall for this. Please, please don't fall for this.
I don't know what I want. I don't know what I need. I don't know what I should reach for, accomplish for, what my ambition and dreams are. I don't know what I want but until you came along. I didn't know what I want. But now that you have came along I believe all I want is you. But I'm scared to let you in cause I know that I'm bound to fuck up your life. I told you I was once that poison ivy that reached that tall oak tree that sprouted it's limbs from branch to branch to branch. And now that I fucked up that oak tree and sprouted to the next I'm going to do the same thing to you. So why should I even try to let you inside?
I am bound to fuck up your life aren't I? But you still want to give it a try? Yea I guess you know not all apples in that bunch are spoiled rotten. I guess I was that apple that was never picked. So with time my outer layer began to look rough; cuts, marks, bruises were obvious. But deep down inside there's nothing but that sweet soft apple. But you sure you want to take this route? You sure you want to take this route of being my man? Cause like I told you before please don't fall for this. That's only because I believe I failed many times and I am now just a victim of what was given to me by circumstance. But you still see beyond my pain. You actually see that young woman that use to laugh, love, that use to smile. That use to enjoy the pleasures that life bring and I thank you for that. I appreciate you for that. I actually love you for that. But again I warned you I am bound to fuck up your life. So please, please don't fall for this. But now matter how hard I try not to fall for you, you fell for me.
Written 1/24/2008