Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nail Color of The Week!

Hello People!!
My nail color of the week isn't posted in my last nail polish post because I brought it afterwards. I was going into the beauty supply store to get some shampoo and conditioner and then BAM I saw this beautiful color!!! Anyway, hopefully yall will enjoy it.

Barbie Pink by KleanColors

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Food, Sports, Sex and Video Games:The Way to a Man's Heart

I grew up with two brothers, a father and a bunch of uncles but men are still difficult to understand. No matter how much you try to dissect, break apart, or even relate to men, they are a totally different species from women. Now don't get me wrong, they're not stupid nor disconnected from the world, they're just wired a little differently from women.

As I matured, my understanding of men have also. I can say from my experiences from previous relationships, long talks with friends and family and awkward conversations with my father, I can state an opinion about men. They simply want a woman who are semi-understandable to their needs and wants along with some space. Men truly want a feminine woman who can act like "one of the boys", that don't trip about the simple matters of the world, that can watch the game, give great sex, cook and appreciate them for who they really are. It's that simple right? WRONG! Women have a different temperament from men. We love to cuddle, kiss, hug, are attention whores, love to shop, adore typical date movies, romantic evenings long walks and breakfast in bed; the complete opposite. Now not all women are like that, as a matter of fact I'm not a smothering woman because I too love my "space" too. But I know when to become that "attention whore" when I feel neglected.
Men now a days are mostly about money, sex, music, clothes, cars, hoes and video games. This is the harsh reality these days that us "hopeless romantics" have to face. The chivalrous man hardly exists today. We're now faced with more thugs, homosexuals, aspiring *fill in the blank* and lazy men than we had some 30 years ago. But we do still have a majority of men who are the opposite to those negative attributes but they have the damnest time finding a reasonable mate. Why you ask??? Women are now too into themselves and their own feelings, their wants and needs that they don't ask their men, mates, jump offs, "friends with benefits", husbands and fiance's what they need nor want. I can say, us women have become selfish, self suffient and self absorbed.

Men sometimes are the sole bread winner, while the women either sit at home and take care of the kids, spend up all their money and/or watch Maury's "3 Babies, 1 Father, Paternity Result" shows all day. When they come home to wind down, drink a beer, wine or liquor, the last thing they want to hear is our complaints, ideas and problems. Majority of the time, they want to zone out, eat, play video games, surf the net, commit to their hobbies, play with the kids, get some sex and go to sleep. Now that's real talk! I'm not saying that us women need to stand back and let our men simply walk over us, abuse/use us nor ignore us. I'm saying, ask your man how his day was, ask him if he's hungry, allow the kids to give daddy some time to breathe, rub his feet, his back, kiss him, hug him, simply show him how much he's been missed and loved. A man's ego loves to be stroke along with his manly counterparts. (I'm just saying, lol)

A man is going to be a man regardless if he has you or not. Therefore, incorporate yourself into his lifestyle, his hobbies and his friends. You'll never know how much you'll like what he's doing until you try it. If the man plays football, golf, basketball, soft ball, soccer, etc., see how you can support him and his team. Become a cheerleader, wear his number, have a bake sale, host monthly parties for the team, and/or buy him some new equipment. A man wants to know and see that you're there to support him in whatever he do. If not, there is room to creep and lie. You don't want that! Remember what you won't do, another woman will do but better.

Allow a man to have a reasonable time, day and hours to zone out in his own world as long as yall have an understanding of the rule and restrictions you all have agreed upon. If you know your man loves to come home play video games till dinner is ready, allow him to so. But after dinner you know you want some attention, demand that. A man is going to do whatever you allow him to do. That's something that my own father has told me on numerous occasions. If you all have a family, a MAN while make time for both his wife/kids and hobbies; he will be flexible. But a woman have to be more flexible, why? Because God has made us this way. We are the glue that holds a lot of things together.
Lastly, a man loves food and sex. Those two things are miserably hard for him not to have. Therefore, DO NOT DENY ANY MAN FOOD NOR SEX! This is just a road destined for failure especially if you all are married. Don't go to bed mad with your spouse but talk things out, agree to disagree, kiss and go to sleep in the same bed. This is important because this is what makes a marriage works. I am NOT married nor am I an expert but I know common sense when I see it. Again, I have learned a lot from my brothers, father, uncles and guy friends and family members. I do not take for granted the knowledge that they passed down to me. I'm simply expressing my thoughts because I have repeatedly been considered the "it" girl around men.
They've come to me and explained to me how I have a glow about myself, complimented me on how I carry myself in conversations and situations. They have asked me numerous amount of times, "Jamale why are you so cool?" I can't answer that question seriously because to some men I'm one way and to others I'm the best. I simply carry myself as myself. I don't fake nor do I cover up who I really am. I was raised around men. Men who know who and what they want. I was raised around men who played sports (my father and younger brother played football while my older brother played basketball). I sat there quiet for years watching games but then I started asking questions about the game, calling out plays, fouls, flags, etc. I don't know the whole game like a pro but I'm better than plenty of my female counterparts. I played video games with my brothers and watched them play it for hours while helping them out with ideas of how to beat their games. I observe, I'm very attentive, I'm open minded. Hence why I'm not like other females. I've learned men are just as complicated, complexed and fragile just like use females are. They desire, hurt, cry, get excited and are determined for the same things as we are, they just show it differently. Consequently, break out that nutshell and free your mind, fore your ass will follow!

Love Is A Lie

Love is not patient.

Love is not kind.

Love will take you and sneak an attack from behind.

Love is not sweet.

Love is not blind.

Love will anger any soul and it shows no sign.

Love is not perfect.

Love is not wisdom that comes with time.

Love is an angel in disguise.

Love will look you in the eye, smile and lie.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hair Maintainence

So this week I've decided to do a basket weave for my hair. I should be learning new styles soon so I hope yall are enjoying!!

Nail Color of the Week

Hello everyone! My nail color of the week is......

Mint Apple by Sinful Colors

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Trip to the Beauty Supply Store....

So today I went to the beauty supply store and got some nail polish and eye shadows (my favs!). I came out with a steal so I wanted to share them with you. I'm debating which one I wanted to pick for the nail polish color of the we shall see. Enjoy!

Left to Right:
Klencolor~Blue Pearl
Sinful Colors~Soul Mate
Sinful Colors~Mint Apple
Wild and Crazy~Larousse
La Color~Magnetic Force
La Colors~Static Electricity
Tri Eyeshadow by NYX~
NYX~ Red Head

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hair Maintainence

Hello you guys!
I just wanted to share with you all my experience of doing my own hair. Usually, I go to a salon or my hair dressers house to get my hair done but recently, I haven't been able to do so. (She has disappeared) Therefore, I've been doing my own hair for the past two months. I believe I'm going to share my hair journey of different styles on here so hope you all enjoy!!!

Bantu Knots

Left: with the Bantu Knots in for 3 days

Right: Bantu Knots taken down *frontal veiw*

Left: Side view
Right: Top view

Facial Care

Over the past 5 months, I must say my face has done a complete 360! I've always been the type that didn't have many acne problems nor pimples. If I did have one or two, I'll just simply wash my face more and keep my hands away from my face. But recently, this haven't been working for me.
Around March 2010, I've been experiencing more outbreaks, black/white heads and acne scars. I FREAK OUT!!! My body wants to wait until I'm 27 yrs. old to just do it's own thing! It's a little embarrassing for anyone to break out with a pimple but to continuously get them is getting beyond embarrassed. In fact, you become a little self conscious. Not because it's a pimple or little bumps but you're wondering "Are they looking at my eyes or the pimple on my forehead?" No one wants to have that feeling.

Therefore, I took it upon myself to try out some other alternatives to my skin care. I was using Ambi Daily Facial Scrub and that worked great. But the only thing I didn't like about the product is that it leaves behind a film on my skin. So I had to use my Astringent to remove that, otherwise, my face felt "heavy" in a way. Along with the facial wash, I was using Ambi's Facial Moisturizer. Now what I'm really feeling is that the "black products" are now putting SPF in the formulas. A lot of people of color don't realize that we too can hurt our skin by constant wear and tear in the sun.
Again, around March 2010, my face wasn't liking this product, and decided that it wanted to break out. I asked a good girlfriend of mines, a recommend facial wash that she likes, used or have heard work really well. She then told me how she came upon a facial wash that our mutual friend left over her house. She showed me the bottle and I immediately went out and brought the product. (I was tired of these little bumps on my face!!!) So I went out and brought the Biore' Pore Unclogging Scrub. This cleanser was great! It immediately (within the week) cleared up my face. On the front of it said that it's better than Proactiv. Now I don't know because I never used Proactiv but I must say I was impressed!
So I decided that I needed to change my moisterizer too because like my Ambi cleanser, my moisterizer came to an end. I didn't know that Biore' had three different lines of facial regiems. But I came across the Biore' Skin Preservation. Whats different about this is it's a moisterizer and a spf 30!!! This moisterizer saved my life. LOL. But it's a very refreshing feeling moisterizer and keeps my skin pretty.
Along with my Biore' facial wash and moisterizer, I decided that I wanted to try some other products of theirs. I haven't done much trying because my skin is very sensitive but I have tried the Deep Cleansing Pore Strips. These strips focus on the areas of your nose and under your eyes. It uplifts those horrible white/blackheads that linger in your pores. It's very easy to use. Just a matter of watering your nose area, apply the strip, and leave on for 10-15 mins. Then wooo-lah, you have fantasic skin! Now I was using them once a week and then I had to stop because I was breaking out. Not because of the product but due to my sensitive skin, I was overusing the product and it was drying out my skin. So I would recommend you using it once a month. Unless, you have hard core skin and you don't mind the dryness around your nose area, knock yourself out! LOL. I really like this product though. So I'll continue to use it. I can see the difference in my face.
Now something thats different between my face and yours, is that I have a combination skin type. Therefore, in the morning my face can be dry-normal but by the end of the evening, my face is oily as hell!!! It simply can look like I have thrown a lot of oil on my face and my pimples isn't a great background either. So I had to wash my face in the evenings so I won't get anymore bacteria and pimples on my face. But I needed also needed to get rid of those past acne scars aka hyperpigmentation. Those are the worst for people of color!!! I'm sometime a picker of my pimples (yea I know it's bad!!) but you have to understand no one wants to walk around with a huge pimple on their chin/forehead/cheeck,etc. So sometimes I'll bust them. Therefore, it'll leave scars later. So I didn't want to have a clear face and a lot of dark pigmentations on my skin. So I googled and Youtubed how I can get rid of them and I came across this...
Yep thats what it is, sugar and lemon! I thought "what will this little concocktion going to do for my face??" Women on Youtube swear by it! I saw it many years ago ask a nautural exfloxiation but not as a hyperpigmentation treatment. So since many women lived by these simple natrual grown products, I said I'll try it. So mid-April, I stared using the lemon/sugar scrub. At first, it burned like hell!!! Yes the lemon was penetrating my pores but thats a good thing. It was getting those areas where I had those dark spots (mostly on my left cheeck). The women do it either everyday, once a week or once a month. Myself, I use it 2-3 times a week in subsitute for my nightly cleasner (the Biore'). It really makes your skin look and feel great! See God put things here for us to use naturally, it's just a matter of using them.
Now usually afterwards, my senstive skin shows its true colors and is dying to for some moisterinzing. But before I do that, depending on the day, I use two different masks. I came across a mint mask (CVS brand of Queen Helene's Mint Mask) for those stubborn pores that were open, allowing the bacteria to enter. This is suppose to srink my pores and refresh my face. I usually use this mask twice a week, Tues and Thurs. It's a really cool sensation and I can feel my pores literally srinking. LOL. I know it sounds weird but it works for me. I'm happy with the results. Now on the other days, Mon, Wed, and Frid., I'll do another mask to whiten up those hyperpigmentation marks or to srink my pimples. The Mario Badescu Whiting Mask....... This mask isn't bad either. At first, I was soley using this before the mint mask. My only problem with the product is, I have a white film left on my face. I sorta look like a clown once I'm finished washing my face. No matter the water temperature I use to wash my face, the product is still on my face. Each mask I usually leave on for like 10 mins, where the mint mask come off with no problem but the Mario Badecsu is a lot of washing off. It works to srink my pimples but as far as whiting, I really don't know since I'm using the lemon/suguar scrub along with both masks. I don't think I'm going to buy this product again because of the left over white film. Other than that, I have no complaints about the product and I plan to use it up.

Lastly, I changed my astringent and nightly moisterizer. I was using Sea Breeze Sensitve Skin Astringent and Ponds Dry Skin Cream but they weren't working for me. The Sea Breeze was a little harsh for my skin. So I needed to change it to Witch Hazel or find an astringent with Witch Hazel in it. Witch Hazel is a natural toner, that evens out the hyperpigmentation along with cleansing your pores. So I stubbled upon a astringent that has both witch hazel and is a toner, which is Olay's Refreshing Toner.
Funny thing is, it actually smells good and it doesn't dry up my skin like the other astringents did. As you can see, I've been using it up quite a bit and I'm satisfied with the product. I use astringent more in the summer time than in winter because of the weather. As a result of the heat, my skin gets more oily in the summer than in the winter. In the winter, my skin is thristy for moisterizer so I only use astringent once a day in the winter. Like I said previously, my skin is oily as hell at the end of the day in the summer. So the astringent helps even out the hyperpigmentation plus tame that oil. Lastly, for a nightly moisterizer, I use Bio Oil (I have the CVS brand). This skin treatment is suppose to even out those acne scars, stretch marks and moisterize dry skin. Pefect for me!
This oil gives my skin the enough moisture needed after a long day for sun, heat and abuse. I usually apply it before bed but I dont go to sleep right after the application. The reason why not because it'll greese up my pillows! You have to allow time to penetrate your deeper layers of skin. Really rub the oil into your skin and you'll be fine. It leaves my face refresh for the morning!