Thursday, June 4, 2009

An eye for an eye.....A tooth for a tooth

This morning I woke up early because I actually went to bed early last night. After having a good day yesterday, it felt good to wake up from a good night sleep. While attending to my breakfast this morning, I was watching President Obama speak in Cairo,Egypt. It still amazes me how I was a part of history and helped this BLACK President into office!

He was speaking about the current issues around the world that needed to be addressed. Some issues such as North Korea's nuclear testing, Iraq's Muslims, the Taliban, Al-Queda and the list continues on. But basically he's really trying to merge these countries; all under peace. I'm so impressed by how he's really "trying" to solve these problems as soon as he stepped into office. I laughed how the news covered his first 100 days to make sure they capture any of his "mistakes" on camera. Luckily, he was on his P's and Q's!!

While I was watching his speech in Egypt, I couldn't help but to think how much this country has changed. We use to be friendly, happy, sympathetic and understanding. Regardless if it was toward other countries, we was there for people if they really need it. Within our country, we have become so harsh; cold. We was raised to be the hardest, the meanest, the toughest. Now it is human nature to have to the attitude only the strong survive but where is the love??

Back in the 1970's, people looked down to the "Hippies", I actually looked up to them. This division of people were what I called logical thinkers. They recognized that not everything need to solved by violence. They didn't always see Malcolm X's logic "By Any Means Necessary" always right. They did see something weren't going to be moved until a revolution was promoted. Now a lot of people will say that it was the drugs and alcohol that controlled their thought process at that time but NOT EVERYONE was high! Just remember during this time of "revolution" we had the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and the Marcus Garvey supporters during this time to rise to power. But most importantly during this time, we had LOVE.

We supported one another, we loved deeply and genuinely and shared promotional ideas. When one person fell, we as a culture fell. It was never an issue of who was better. We didn't always agree but we all had a mutual admiration and respect. Love was promoted throughout the black community, hence BLACK POWER! The Black community saw our race as beauty, unique and superior. Obviously we did a lot to build this country and other countries, that a lot of times was swept under the rug or not given "true credit" until years later.

Also during this time, we started embracing our unlimited options of potentials. Instead of trying to blend in we went across the grain and embraced natural hair. We had afro's curly/bushy hair, Locs, braids and untamed hair. Just from evolution of hair we started the Rastafarian culture. They see their hair as pride and close to God! Now hair isn't the reason for the culture but they see their hair as a symbol of their religion status. Its unlimited beauty that's only embraced by some. But most importantly, they loved hard!

We haven't really learned to love in a long time. Our previous elders taught anger, hate, fear and religion all in one sentence. If you don't believe me, think back to when you were young, did any elder teach you to go to church, love God, yourself and your family then say don't ever really trust a white person? You don't see that as some form of hypocrisy? That don't make sense. That's fear and anger trying to take form within religion. My father and mother was a product of this concept but what's the different between those two is my father believe white people have underlying deceptions and my mom accept everyone regardless of race. It was my mom who motivated me to stay at my majority white university. It was my father who told me to not come home with a white boyfriend or he's "disowning" me. He still say that madness but he's not going to stop me from having happiness even if that includes me dating a white man.

God is love and we must never forget that. In order to supersede this violence we need to stay in God's vision. Love one another. Put differences aside. Learn and understand. Stop ignorance at the door. We may not agree but let's agree to disagree all while being respectful. Stop killing and hurting God's people! Its not always right to take an eye for an eye.
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