Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day Nails/Nail Color of the Week!

Hello Bloggers!!!!!!!!

So for this week, I switched it up just a little. I wanted to celebrate my "hidden" Irish in me so I wanted to paint my nails a bright green. I went to Sally's Beauty to pick up a green that I saw before that caught my eye. I decided to get China Glaze's "In the Lime Light (Neon)." I also came across these nail art decors that will be great to try so I said what the hell, for shits and giggles let me try them. And I must say, with a little patience and perseverance I was able to do the damn thing! My coworkers loved the green (since that was the brightest thing on me b/c I wore all black) and they always compliment me on how "patient" I am doing my nails every week. Below are some of the pics I took for St. Patty's Day. Enjoy!

China Glaze:
In the Lime Light (Neon)

My Nail art that I used for my ringer and index fingers

For the remainder of the week, I was suppose to wear China Glaze's Awakening but when I brought the Neon green, I also came across this beautiful Purple that I had to put on my nail beds. So I'm going to rock this for the week/weekend and go back to my spring colors. Stay tuned for the "Tiffany Blue" color next week! Enjoy!

China Glaze:
Panic Purple (Neon)

*My room didn't give the color true justice so here's a better look @ the color!*


The Pretty Brown Girl said...

Pretty, pretty, pretty!

You will be featured on my blog in upcoming episodes of "Whatever I decide to call that blog series" where I feature women of color and their pretty nails!

I have put "Panic Purple" on my list for my next trip to Sally's. :) Too cute!

Is the "Tiffany Blue" color you have in store by any chance "For Audrey" by ChG?

Durty Mo said...


Just stopping by to show much ♥!!

Thanks for following You Know You Dead Azz Wrong