Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Soulful Reflections

Soulful Reflections

I constantly strip myself down to my soul.

I lay my layered clothes down from everyone to truly see me.

But still people take my skin as another layer that hides my true complexion.

As I lay here naked, I'm getting abused; constantly beaten.

Beated by the world.

Beated by words.

Beated by thoughts.

This world leaves my skin so cold and visually bruised.

I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

My mind wonders and explores thoughts to places I've never dreamed

All while I lay naked.

I lay naked for the world to touch, explore and examine my body.

Dissect my brain.

Take apart my soul.

I reach towards people that aren't reachable.

I leave self inflicted wounds amongst my skin.

All because people take my skin as another layer that hides my true complexion.

I have given it thought to give in of finally letting go.

Giving up to give in.

Leaving my self inflict wounds unable to heal.

Leaving them open, puss filled, rotten, smelly, red, blistering, running over with uncontrollable ooze.

That way the world will see me for whom I really am.


No cover ups.

No make up.

Filled with flaws,


and vulnerabilities.

Perfectly imperfect.

Simply complex.

Deeply saddened.

Reaching for dreams deferred.

Loving men who don't love me back.

Giving emotions to those that don't really deserve them.

Closing my eyes, laying naked, absorbing the negativity and embracing it.

Leaving myself exposed amongst everyone to the world.

Stripped down to nothing.

Written 5/13/2009

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