Friday, December 18, 2009

The "Sexy" Smoker

I titled this blog post "sexy smoker" because of a discussion I had with a male coworker of mines. I stated to him and his supervisor at work that I dated a smoker before and preferably not again. After them asking why I explained to them that whenever I kissed that guy I tasted the nicotine! I could have went home and brushed my teeth, woke up the next morning and still taste the cigarette!

My coworker whom I call "Superstar", said Megan Good smokes and he'll date her any day regardless of her bad smoking habit. That's something that I didn't understand. How can you look past that bad habit? Superstar said "because its MEGAN GOOD JAMALE!!!" Yea that's all fine and dandy but you have to look at how she'll look like in 5-10 years.

A lot of people look past this bad habit because its become accepted greatly in our community. I'm not going to lie, I have tried a cigarette when I was in the 7th grade. We all looked up to those "cool kids" growing up and saw that they were doing it, so it must have been ok, right? WRONG!!! From that first puff, I felt my lungs overwhelmed with smoke and I immediately started coughing. Soon after that I also was diagnosed with asthma so I knew my "smoking days" was over!

I was trying to explain to Superstar that even though Megan Good looks nice now, her habits don't! Superstar's supervisor stated that he dated a girl whom had smoked. He didn't mind it in the beginning but then later into the relationship he noticed that if she didn't get that cig, she would be a complete BITCH! I shook my head in agreement. I have family members whom smoked since the rip ages of 11-15 and now well in their 70's. I have noticed if they don't get that cigarette, they have the worse attitude and headache until they get that cigarette.

Have you ever noticed that when the smokers go outside during a break how relived/happy they are once that cigarette is lightened and smoke is inhaled? That's what kills me. That one little cancer stick give you that much joy? Why can't people just get high off life? Enjoy what God has placed here on Earth for them naturally. I never want to be looked at sideways because of a heavy addiction such as smoking. To me, women who smokes disgust me. No offense but how can you claim that to be cute?

Beauty is something that we're blessed with when we're born. Beauty isn't something that is seen physically but also something that is shown in our personality. So how can you kiss/love someone whom loves that addiction more than you? Superstar said he had the affect to ask Megan Good to quit that addiction if he wanted her to. I laughed and gave him and example. What if she got pregnant and she was still smoking? Superstar and his supervisor stated that she wouldn't do that. They believed that a woman would stop because of their motherly instinct will kick in and they would stop.

What a lot of people fall to understand is that a lot of women really don't stop. Their addiction is that strong that they can't find the strength to stop. Even though a child will be a good reason to do so, they can not find the will power to accept that challenge. They didn't believe me. Superstar wanted stats and facts. He wanted me to name some people that I know who didn't stop smoking once they became pregnant. I politely named three people. Now that's only three people I know but there are a lot more women that do smoke while with child.

This whole conversation goes back to my original point, smoking isn't sexy! The nicotine companies make it seem its the coolest thing to do but its really not. Millions of people die everyday people of cancers due to cigarettes. So why decrease your life span? Megan Good won't always look that way. Cigarettes is slowly pulling the life out of her just like any other person who smokes. I'm not picking just on Megan Good, she was just an example that Superstar put forth. But she's a great example of how people would put beauty over their normal standards/expectations. We get wrapped up, relaxed and care free about someone whom we want so bad that we forget what we need.

Now ask yourself if you don't smoke, would date a smoker just because they're everything that you want and more? *think about the consequences*
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Anonymous said...

i definitely understand your stance on this but you should also look at it [or try to]from the stance of a smoker. i dated smokers before i began smoking myself & it was not something i necessarily loved but if i liked someone, i was willing to look beyond it. it IS unattractive & not just for women but the pull is one that is strong but can be overcome if you try hard enough.

i will agree that people do tend to overlook it. guys i date/talk to say they will NEVER date a smoker but they dnt seem to mind when i do it. some have even asked me for one so they can smoke it. i dont personally know any women who have continued to smoke during pregnancy. my close friend just found out shes 8 wks pregnant & has not picked up a cigarette since. its dependent upon the person's willpower & how much they truly care about their offspring.

try to be a LITTLE more open-minded. we ALL battle our demons. im not saying its good but i would hate to be discriminated against cuz of something like that.

tha unpretentious narcissist© said...

personally i've never smoked, EVER. never tried, never had the interest to try. it's very unattractive to see a woman smoke. but it's not just women. it's just unattractive for anyone to smoke. i see kids walking down the street, skipping school, & smoking cigs. i feel like those old folks that used to stop their car and tell you to stop playing in the street. cause i fight the instinct to roll down my window and tell them to put that shit out.

i may be a little bias seeing my dad's an oncologist. after seeing the effects of what smoking can do to you, i have no idea how people do it. seriously, could be in the office getting chemo for 4hrs. walk right outside and light up. the urge is real. there are tons of pregnant women who smoke. you thinking a baby wards off women from smoking, means you're just not that addicted. because i've seen women smoking pregnant.

i'd say i'd date megan good from a far. but i couldn't be in a relationship with someone who was addicted to something i didn't like. and it's not a judgment call. plenty of ppl have addictions that aren't viewed as "instant kills" but they can kill too like, eating (obesity) & sex. just saying from my standpoint, if you smoking i'm choking. go kill somebody else with that shit.

btw i LOVE what you said about beauty. gonna quote you on a future post.