Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Audacity of Hope

Yesterday was history. Not just history for African Americans but United States history. WE as a country voted an African American into office. Not too long ago this dream of becoming the President of the United States was far fetched. But look how far WE have come! This morning I was overwhelmed with joy. Last night when I came home from work, I was watching CNN for two hours straight, watching the counts come in. In the beginning I was very worried; will the United States really be ready for an African American President??? Once the numbers came in from my home state, Maryland and then Ohio and Pennsylvania, I knew Obama had it. But again it was only the beginning. Was the rest of the United States ready for Obama?

Once 10 pm EST hit, I couldn't take it anymore. By this time I had feel asleep just to wake back up to people talking but not about nothing much but what they predict will happen. I wanted to know what was really going on with Obama. Upon waking up, I looked at my phone and saw the numerous text messages and IM's stating that "WE won or I'm crying." Once I put my dog outside, I immediately cut the TV on CNN and there was the banner, "OBAMA HAS MADE HISTORY!" I broke down and cried. I mean I cried like no other! I cried like I was just broken down to nothing. I had to catch my breathe, I had to reach for the couch before my knees gave way, I had to give all the glory and praise to Jesus. I WAS IN COMPLETE SHOCK! I just couldn't believe it, WE all made history. Thank you Jesus is all I could say. My dog looked inside the house and she went hysterical because she don't like to see me crying. When I let her in, she jumped on the couch and licked my tears away. As she licked my tears away, it reminded me of back in the 1960's when mothers and fathers cried on the couch. They cried and their children didn't know why they cried so much. Who were they crying for? Why were they crying so long? I tell you they were crying for change! They were crying because they finally had a voice whom spoke up for them! They were crying for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was crying for Barack Obama's audacity of hope! I was crying because Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. paved the way for Barack. Thank you!!!

This campaign started a little under two years ago. It all happened in a small room somewhere. Somewhere Barack envisioned change. He believed that this great nation was ready for someone who was serious. Someone who was just like them. They needed a true leader! It has been a long and hard campaign to lead but Obama has made it. He was examined carefully, torn apart and put back together again but he prevailed. Many analysts were trying to make it a racial campaign but many saw that we were mostly looking at the content of his character. He was never judged by the color of his skin, he was looked at as a man with pride in himself, his culture and his family. He prided himself in his dream that he believed him. And I admire that man for that. So with these words, I close to say thank you Barack Obama. Thank you for envisioning change, believing in yourself and your country. Thank you for uniting division in states. Thank you for having that audacity of hope! God Bless you!!!

*This entry is dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Without you, WE would have not had overcome.*

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