Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Walk Alone

I stood in the world alone, facing the East skies. Crying silently, hoping the heavens will hear me. Finally facing defeat, I walk alone.
I'm misunderstood and no one understands my pain. I'm lost. I'm alone. I scream and no one hears me. Do I need to scream louder? Do I need to be someone else for people to understand me? Do I need to follow the in crowds for people to recognize me?
I chose a path not much traveled. I chose a life that many will pass on. I chose an attitude that many will not like. I was born alone. Facing a world that's harsh and heartless. No one cares. No one truly understand.
I stand facing the sun. Praying that the sun won't blind me. My tears dried from the heat. My skin is kissed gently, one layer at a time. I yearn for understanding. I long for an equilibrium. I was born alone. I will die alone. So I walk alone.....

Written 8/15/2009

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