Saturday, September 27, 2008

Vote or Die?

This year I can say that I'm really proud of myself. I have followed this upcoming election from the beginning. At first, I too was like who the heck is Barack Obama? The last time I voted, I wasn't too happy with the results of what seem like another four years of hell so I was determined to be more up to date with whom I'm going to push to be in office. Some people say Barack is the "Dream" that Dr. MLK was talking about and others call him a Messiah. But we do still have those that say he didn't really do anything to make him famous and fabulous to run this country.

Yesterday I was talking to my coworker about the debate. She told me this will be her first year voting and she's 30 yrs. old. She felt kind of embarrassed about this decision to vote so "late" in her life but I ensured her, it's better that she votes then not at all. We as Americans are tired of this same old jive these hypocrites are feeding us daily we want a change. So back to Barack....when I first really got into his election trail, I was shocked to see Hilary trying to knock him out the socket. She played pretty hard and I can say I respect her for that long run. That woman in her lifetime has dealt with a lot of problems and they all have been publicly criticized, so you can't do nothing but respect her at the end of the day. She's a very headstrong woman who knows how to play with the big boys.

Barack lead a pretty strong campaign trail but who is the real Barack Obama a lot of people say? While having that conversation with the coworker, a patient of ours interrupted and stated, " that's the problem with black people, they only want to vote for him because he's a black man. You really need to do your research and see all the facts." Now I don't work for CNN, MSNBC or Associated Press so I don't have time nor the energy to look at politics all day and night but I do know what I see. I don't care what people will say or think about it but I see a "Dream" that Dr. MLK prophesied about. I see a man who by his words alone brought together a nation who is in a deep depression/recession. Who all are suffering as a whole. He has a strong dictation for which he leads minds to change. I haven't seen so many young, old, black, white, Asian people come together to change their way of thinking, presentation and communication. This is a man who carries himself with a swag like no other. He's a man who loves his family and country.

Now don't get me wrong, McCain too loves his family and country but when you really look at what he has done, it amounts up to nothing. Wow so what he has brought more white people together to keep that black man out of office. He has gathered up all the white women to vote for him and he has brought a white woman with him who can't even answer questions directly. I know this is a sensitive subject but my point to this blog isn't to debate who is right or wrong. Who will lead this country better. The point is to simply say, please go out and vote. Obviously you all know who I'm voting for. And again let me stress to you that I'm not voting for him because he's black. I'm voting for him because he's a man that's hungry. He's dying to get into office and make that change that he promised for all of us. He's a man that's passionate about what he stands for and believes in himself. He brought together a nation like President Kennedy did. He's a leader like no other!

To me plain and simple he's that American dream, that came from the slums, still live with the slum village people and work for the people. He's a man whom worked his way from the bottom to the top. He had family who sacrificed for him to become what he is today. Barack Obama is a changing factor for this country. Question is, Are you ready for change??


Unknown said...

How much did Obama pay your for this speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well written tho. I see a president in Obama, not the other man.

Jamale (*PoeticMind*) said...

LOL you're funny...I was just speaking how I feel. Thanks!