Monday, October 20, 2008

Common Questions...

My youngest brother asked me why in the world do I have a blog page? He was like those people who have a blog page are those who stay in the house and have nothing to do. Well to correct him (after I was laughing), I'm a quite busy young lady! The reason for this blog is to express myself. Not just my poems but also my thoughts that I sometimes express with my friends, coworkers or even some of my patients. This blog is a common blog but unique in a unusual way. You would say how is this page unique? Well look at what I talk about and how I feel. Now my subjects are very common but my ideas and points are unique. I do, do a lot of thinking. Hence "The Thinker" that I have on my blog. I don't quite look like that when I think (LOL) but I do have some deep thoughts. I do have some deep concerns about my life and the world that surrounds me. Take for example have you ever wanted someone so bad that it kills you to be their friend?? Now I know a lot of people can relate to what I'm saying because they have been there before or still there.

I've been in this situation recently where I think this guy is cute. I mean cute to the point I was like umm I need to speak to him everyday!! At first, I was like I'm going to play it cool and not be pressed about him but when I finally got to know him and see how sweet he really was, that made me want to know this man more!!! Now some people would be bold and just come out and say you should have talked to him and flirt a little more. See what a lot of people fail to understand that I'm shy and I don't do bold moves without me knowing how that person really feel. You can't make an a$$ out of yourself when you're trying to flirt (not a good look)! Needless to say, I didn't get to know that man and take it to the next level but I was beating myself up everyday knowing that I had something to tell him but I couldn't. We're really good friends now and I appreciate our friendship. I soon came to discovered that he was in a long term relationship that hurt him pretty bad and he don't want a girlfriend right now. Now I'm not selfish (even though a part of me was) but you have to respect that decision. I asked him why and he stated that he wanted to get himself together financially and emotionally. You have to respect a man who knows what he wants and of course I did. But the thought came across my mind when I saw him today..."damn he's so cute, funny,smart, ambitious, cute(I know I already said it LOL) but he's the type of guy I would love to date but he just want a friend and I'm going to be that friend for him. Now some women can't deal with the fact that he's not into the relationship thing right now but I'm just happy that he's my friend. When I see him everyday in the afternoon and he smiles and say "What's Up?", I can't help but smile back and feel special. I'm his special friend....

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?:
Why is he with her? Why can't I find the nerve to speak to that person? Why are they suck a butt hole to me? When will I get that chance to prove myself? Why do they only see me as a friend? If things were different, what would be different? Why do I have to fade to the background? LORD WHY ME?? Well let me explain something to you. I have asked myself and the Lord all these questions before but I did discover're blocking your blessings if you ask all these questions!!! How can you focus on what you have if you're worried about what you don't have??? THINK ABOUT IT! Stay focus on your dreams and hold fast to them. For if you give up on what God has promised you then you will lose faith. Keep praying and venting to God. He's always listening even through all those questions.

Be Blessed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is