Why are you bothering me??
Please explain this to me...Why do people steady bother you or try to get on your last nerve when they know that you didn't have a good day?? Do it get you off to get me to the point where I want to cuss you out and don't think twice about it?? Obviously, everything you say and do is irritating and upsetting my train of thoughts! So with that being said, please try to avoid to get me to the point of no return!!! Sorry you guys but I had to release that anger that quick! But that opens up my blog so let me move on with my point....I'm not having a good day (obviously) and it seem like the devil been on my case all week but yesterday was the final breaking point. Stress is a very serious thing and I try to stay away from what can bother my health. Whoever believes that it's not something out there that talk to people and make them come out their norm and get on your bad side, they're a lie! The devil is always working through people to get you down, take you to the point of giving up but DON'T!
I've been to the point where I was willing to give up everything. My car, money, job and social life just because stress was killing me. Alot of people ask me how did I supersede it all? Easily, I prayed and believed. YES I do believe in God as my Lord and savior. I always had God there with me but I wasn't ready for him. I was young, dumb and full of ....well you know the rest. LOL. But I gave up alot to get where I'm at but all in good favor. I gave up men, friends, places, bad language and negative thinking. As a result, I got everything else that I need. A piece of mind, happiness, fullfillness, and overwhelming feeling of love. I've meet some amazing people that help me through my progress and I'm still being molded everyday and I'm loving it like McDonald's. :) Now I was pissed at the beginning of this blog but when I thought of where I came from and what I have planned for my future, I feel sooooo much better! It's amazing how God works through me. But I know that devil is working to do something to make me mad and bother me again but I'm going to attack him with prayer and heavy devotion. In times of stress, we need to take our mind out of the physical and get in touch with your spiritual realm. Remember God loves you all!!!God Bless
I think this is what Jesus meant when He said 'He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it' (Matthew 10:39)
well structured
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