Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Smoking in Public

There are so many Americans that put their lips to cancer everyday. It's your right to do or say whatever you want but when you're making me cough while I'm standing waiting to get on the train then you're getting on my damn nerve!!! LOL

I was waiting at the elevator yesterday to get on the train underground. So while waiting, most smokers stand outside on their phones and smoke their cigarettes and wait which is no problem for me. But what kills me is when I'm standing there also ( I have asthma) and you inching closer to me and the smoke is blowing in my face!!! That crap really does get into my skin and soaks down to my soul. How dare you have the right to sneak behind me and attack my private space?? Come on now, not everyone smokes nor want to smell that crap! If you're going to smoke in public please be nice and courteous to others in your area. Why do people get so close that the smoke is blowing in your face like you're smoking with them? People kill me with the second hand smoke madness!! BACK THE HELL UP FROM ME PLEASE!

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